Understanding your strengths is personal branding.

mario tetelepta
2 min readNov 21, 2021

deconstruct and reconstruct yourself #1

The fact that technology and machines will play an important role in our daily lives in the not too distant future leaves the question of how we humans — people with souls — are valued as such.

A study by the WE Forum shows that human skills are increasingly needed. It is predicted that in early 2025, work demands that employees, professionals, and business people become more humane. We are encouraged to coexist with technology (to some extent also learn together) and trust them as our supporting partners.

When technology takes over part of the human role, to exist and compete in the market, we are naturally forced to reveal our inner beauty. True identity. A challenge to our ability to reflect, have high self-awareness, and be lifelong learners. A human skill.

Contrary to the above euphoria, while we believe in education to shape our ‘soul’, most of today’s formal education systems are in the golden age of the past. Providing only a small window to enhance human skills. This system is somehow sterile from reality and makes us compete with the machine itself (if not adoring). And few realize and start applying human skills as part of their learning journey.

Photo by alleksana from Pexels

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” ― Vincent Van Gogh

Inevitably, human skills are important. For those who have never experienced the learning process, how can we improve our human skills? When should we start mastering human skills? When is the right time? Can we start earlier? How fast?

Understanding strengths, weaknesses, hard skills, and being aware of what is around us; furthermore, our ability to reflect and our agility to make improvements are the entry points of the process of making us more humane, and the beginning of having human skills. It is an asset and resource for planning your next journey and setting goals. This is an initiative to develop a personal reputation (personal branding).

Self-awareness with the right framework of reflection, leads to self-confidence. A clear future path can be seen when we understand ourselves clearly, and therefore can lead to many potential opportunities.

With the help of the right framework and our narcissistic calling, understanding our own strengths (toughness) can be easy.
The real challenge is how humble are we to admit our weaknesses?





mario tetelepta

Certified life coach with experience in creating value. On a mission to inspire to uncover the greatest assets, and harvest them for the better.